Tuesday, July 21, 2009

maya (lighting work)

enchanted rose(well its not modeled by me but ya i have textured n light it up)

Monday, June 22, 2009

digital painting

my 1st ever try on digital painting(done with mouse only)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

mc donalds

hey guys making an ad film for mcdonalds (not official just students project)

concept:an old man walks 2 a lake with his fishing rod and picnic basket
he takes d boat till d middle of d lake
reaches for his basket and rod takes a wrigling wo
rm out
ties it to d rod n throws it in d lake
he waits for the day, afternoon, evening,night and aga
in the day next
finally he gets d rope out of the water
looks at the worm who looks back smugly... and de
taches him frm d rod and throws him
he reaches again in his basket and get a burger out
attaches it to the rod and throws it back in the water
immediately the string tightens and the old man puts a
good fight for it
everything blurs and a tagline says everyone's loving it...

some post of the progress

will keep posting soon with the progress

heres d final output